International Triathlon Union

Ai Ueda earns another World Triathlon Series' points with the 8th place in Leeds


The new course was tested by top ranked athletes in Leeds on 12th June. Gwen Jorgensen claims her second consecutive win and her 17th WTS gold of her career. Ai Ueda ranked 8th, while Juri Ide ranked 12th, Yurie Kato 19th, Yuko Takahashi 20th and Aoi Kuramomo 26th. For Elite Men, Brownlee brothers took hometown the gold and silver medals. Alistair enjoyed the moment grabbing the winner’s tape and his younger brother Jonathan joined in on the celebrations. Jumpei Furuya finished 32th and Kohei Tsubaki finished 36th over all.

The race review and result men, Women

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