International Triathlon Union

Henri Schoeman, RSA ends his season with first ever Grand Final gold in Mexico


Many of athletes suffered from the Mexican heat condition. Brownlee brothers were no exception either. Alistair helped his young brother to cross the line and finished 3rd. The dramatic race brought Mola for the crown of the Columbia Threadneedle ITU World Triathlon Series Rankings. Jumpei Furuya wrapped up the series with position 26th and Hirokatsu Tayama finished 55th.

Race highlight and full results:



(c)Satoshi TAKASAKI/JTU (c)Delly Carr/ITU
(c)Delly Carr/ITU (c)Delly Carr/ITU
(c)Delly Carr/ITU (c)Delly Carr/ITU
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