International Triathlon Union

Triathlon made its National Sports Festival debut in Iwate


186 athletes competed in standard-distance Triathlon at Nehama Beach in Kamaishi City on 2nd October. Each athlete represented their prefectures which they lived or worked. The first-ever Triathlon National Sports Festival champions Jumpei Furuya and Ai Ueda brought the gold medal to their Teams.
Joining with Jumpei, Makoto Odakura who took silver also added points for Team Tokyo, while Shiruba Taniguchi who ranked 3rd and Ryosuke Maeda who took 4th brought points for Team Aichi.
For women’s race, Ai joined the podium with fellow teammate, Yurie Kato who also competed in Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in August and earned high score for Team Chiba. The bronze is taken by Kei Fukuoka who represents Team Kanagawa.

Men’s results in Japanese:

Women’s results in Japanese:

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