Miyazaki National Training Center tour held in Sports Land Miyazaki
Miyazaki city is the ideal destination for training camps and clinics. On the race week of the first world Cup in Miyazaki, all international coaches and event organizers who are attending the race invited to National Training Center tour on Friday, 28th October. It was organized and cooperated by Fenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki Prefectural Government and JTU.
Miyazaki NTC is the flagship training center for triathlon and paratriathlon national team. The 2 hours guided tour introduced some of facilities and gave some ideas to the visitors how the national team prepare for a target race and a season.
The tour began at 14:00 at Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort and visitors was taken to the following facilities by bus.
- Hitotsuba Toll Road – cycling
- Recreation Center Howelcome – 25m x 8lanes swimming pool, hot springs and recreation center – wheelchair accessible
- Miyazaki Prefectural Comprehensive Sports Park – 400m cycling track, 400m track and field, 50m outside & 25m inside swimming pools and accommodation lodge
Training opportunities are available year-round for national/international teams.
If you are interested in the information, please contact us at jtuoffice01@jtu.or.jp
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