2016 JTU Paratriathlon Meeting
The annual Paratriathlon Meeting will be held 18th December organized by JTU.
It will combine accredited Paratriathlon Meeting.The Meeting will be lead by JTU Paratriathlon Project Team .
Date: Sunday 18th December 2016
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 (Registration open at 12:30-)
Venue:The Nippon Foundation Paralympic Support Center
<Address> The Nippon Zaidan Building 1-2-2 Akasaka Minatoku Tokyo 107-0052 Japan
Cost:Free of charge
Number of participants:200 (First-come, first-served basis)
・Japan Para Athletics Report
・Paralympic Games Report
・Japan Anti-Doping seminar
Registration form: https://fs221.xbit.jp/u346/form5/
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