International Triathlon Union

Japan had a very strong showing at CAMTRI American Cup


2017 Playa Hermosa CAMTRI American Cup is held in Costa Rica on 5 March 2017.5 out of 6 Japanese athletes got the podium and had a great season kick-off.

Event details:

Men’s TOP3

1. Shiruba Taniguchi JPN 2:00:24
2. Ryousuke Maeda JPN 02:01:27
3. Shogo Ishitsuka JPN 02:01:55

Full results:

Women’s TOP3

1. Beatriz Neres BRA 02:20:14
2. Sena Takahashi JPN 02:21:13
3. Hiraku Fukuoka JPN 02:22:58

Full results:


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