International Triathlon Union

GREEN TRIATHLON successfully held in Yokohama


One month prior to the 2017 ITU World Triathlon Series and Paratriathlon Series Yokohama, pre-event, GREEN TRIATHLON, is held in the same venue at Yamashita Park in Yokohama on Saturday, 15 April.

The event is set to increase awareness of the global environment and promote the sastainable world class Triathlon event to locals, visitors and volunteers.
All the participants enjoyed the activities program and learned venue environment through the event.

Hosted by World Triathlon Series Yokohama Organizing Committee
Cooperation by Yokohama Aquatic Police Station, Yokohama Coast Cuard, The Sea Beautification Society, Team Kappa, Waterworks breau, Fire bureau

Official website: (In Japanese)

▼Water demonstration by fire boat

▼Cleanup volunteer activities in Yoyogi Park

▼Wheelchair and handcycle demonstrations and test drives

▼Watch live underwater camera streaming

▼Cleaning up on the ocean floor

▼Swim demonstration at WTS Yokohama swim venue

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