WTS age group event was successfully held in Japan
1674 age group athletes competed in 2017 ITU World Triathlon Series Yokohama on Sunday, 14th May.
14 JTU age ranking champions in 2016 took a part of the event. In the morning, age paratriathlon took place first including Yukako Hata, Keiichi Sato, Atsuko Maruo and Ryu Nakazawa who raced in World Paratriathlon Series yesterday. All of them won the gold medals in their categories.
After the age paratriathlon event, standard distance and sprint distance age group race held at the venue of Yamashita Park in Yokohama.
The EXPO and stage performances were a success. The spectators and athletes enjoyed the festive mood as much as their races.
Age paratriathlon’s results:
Age triathlon – standard distance & relay:
Age triathlon – sprint distance
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