International Triathlon Union

Ai Ueda becomes a member of JOC Athlete Committee


Japan Olympic Committee, JOC, newly established JOC Athlete Committee and six members are elected to the committee by Olympic athletes for a term of four years.
Ai Ueda (Perrier, Green Tower, Bridgestone, Inage Inter) from Triathlon won the election.
To be qualified as a candidate for the member, athletes have to be represented at the last two Olympic Games, Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, London Olympic Games.

Comments from Ai: Thank you very much for your support. I feel the weight of responsibility for the role. In cooperation with the other elected members, I will try interacting with all athletes and create a better environment.


Elected members:
Ai Ueda – Triathlon
Daichi Sawano – Athletics
Kenta Chida – Fencing
Hiroshi Nakano – Boat
Chiharu Nakamura – Rugby
Takeshi Matsuda – Swimming

Announcement of the result:

Ai Ueda profile:

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