Report and Prospects on the Triathlon Competitions at Odaiba Marine Park
Dear participants of Odaiba competition and to whom it may concern,
Tokyo Aquathlon 2017 Minato Aquathlon (October 9, 2017)
The 23rd Triathlon National Championships (2017 / Odaiba, Tokyo: October 15)
Paratriathlon Demonstration (October 15, 2017)
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) and the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) announced the results of water quality and temperature survey conducted at Odaiba Marine Park during the Olympic/Paralympic period (July-September).
In August 2017, there was rainfall in the Tokyo area on 21 consecutive days, the second highest record of consecutive days of rain in Tokyo in August after 1977. The results revealed that day-to-day water quality at Odaiba varies significantly depending on weather conditions, and in particular whether it has rained or not.
In response to the results, the TMG and Tokyo 2020 will implement water quality improvement measures including triple-layered underwater screens which are expected to upgrade the sewage treatment efficiency so that the recommended water quality will be achieved.
When the Open Water Swimming National Championships was held on September 24 this year at Odaiba Marine Park, the water quality standard in the swim area was judged as appropriate.
Even though the weather condition for the next 10 days is unknown, the water temperature is likely to drop to around 20 degrees Celsius and we are not expecting such heavy rainfall which we experienced during the summer when the Tokyo Aquathlon and Triathlon National Championships will be held this weekend and the next.
Under these circumstances, the event manager, TD (Technical Delegate) and MD (Medical Delegate) will decide on whether or not to hold the event after checking the race environment thoroughly.
We, the Japan Triathlon Union, believe that making Odaiba Marine Park a swimming beach for all citizens will be the legacy of Tokyo 2020, and we are determined to commit ourselves in improving the environment of this area for this goal as well.
Yours Sincerely,
Japan Triathlon Union
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