JTU to Invite Athletes and Coaches from Latin America
With the support from the Japanese Olympic Committee and the IOC Olympic Solidarity Program for short-term visits of overseas athletes/coaches, the Japan Triathlon Union will invite six triathletes and 3 staff/coaches from Latin America in September and October this year.
This program will be conducted based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the Japan Triathlon Union and the Pan American Sports Organization (Panam Sports) which is the continental association of the National Olympic Committees of the Americas.
As the first part of the program, two junior athletes and an NOC official from Mexico will join training sessions in Osaka, followed by racing in the Osaka Castle Triathlon Event on September 22.
The second part will be conducted in October, with four U23 athletes and 2 coaches from Argentina and Chile taking part in training at the National High Performance Training Center for triathlon in Miyazaki, and will wrap up their stay by racing in the Miyazaki World Cup on October 27.
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