International Triathlon Union

Australia and Japan launch Junior Triathletes Development Program


Triathlon Australia and the Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) have joined forces to launch a new project that will enhance the development of emerging triathletes from both countries. Under 19 and Under 23 athletes will be invited to take part in training camps and selected races Australian and Japan to further their skills.

Seven Australians will join the Japanese triathletes at the National High Performance Center for triathlon in Miyazaki Phoenix Seagaia Resort from 14-20 September. They will then travel to Osaka to race at the 2019 Osaka-Castle NTT ASTC Sprint Triathlon Asian Cup on September 22.

This visit is made possible with the support from the JSC-JOC-NF Cooperative Program. (*JSC: Japan Sport Council JOC: Japanese Olympic Committee NF: National Federations).

In return, eight Japanese athletes will be invited to Australia in December this year to take part in the Australia Junior Development Camp, which includes racing in a super sprint event.

Triathlon Australia and the Japan Triathlon Union signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2017 and have agreed to promote exchange programs for the younger athletes and to facilitate training opportunities in the respective countries.

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