Triathlon Materials donated to Rwanda Triathlon Federation from Japan
In 2019, the Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) initiated a campaign to donate triathlon goods to Rwanda, a country where triathlon is still at an early stage of its development. Through the cooperation of triathletes and triathlon-related companies in Japan, over 300 bike wears, 60 running/bike shoes, 30 tri-suits, 200 swim caps, 80 goggles and many other items such as wet suits, stopwatch, swim wear, etc. were collected during the 3 month-campaign. These items were sent to Rwanda with the support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
On February 22, 2020, a ceremony to hand over the donated items to the Rwanda Triathlon Federation (RTF) was held by the Japanese Embassy in Kigali. President Alexis Mbaraga of RTF, Mr. Guy Rurangayire, Director of the Ministry of Sport, and Mr. Alexis Sharangabo from the Rwandan Olympic Committee were present at the ceremony. They expressed that the materials given to Rwanda Triathlon Federation will help improve the performance of the athletes and will contribute not only to the development of the sport of triathlon in Rwanda but also encourage the triathletes to continue with the sport.
JTU to Support Development of Triathlon in Rwanda
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