Highlight Video of the Japan Triathlon Championships 2020 Men's Race
The Japan Triathlon Union produced a highlight video of the Japan Triathlon Championships 2020 Men’s race with English and French subtitles. The event was held on November 8, 2020, at the Odaiba Marine Park which is the triathlon venue for the Tokyo Olympic & Paralympic Games, with all COVID-19 preventive measures in place.
The intention of this video is to provide triathletes who are at a developing stage with some basic knowledge and skills of how to race in an Elite triathlon competition.
https://youtu.be/zQVtGD47UQw (with English subtitles)
https://youtu.be/lKSlNEQK1us(avec sous-titres français)
The English/French subtitled versions were produced with the support from SPORT FOR TOMORROW (SFT). SFT is an international contribution through sport initiative led by the Japanese government, which promotes sport to more than 10 million people in over 100 nations until Tokyo will host the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. It aims to deliver values of sport and promote the Olympic and Paralympic movement to people of all generations worldwide.
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