JTU Declaration in support of the Tokyo 2020 D&I Actions
Triathlon Japan endorses the campaign, Tokyo 2020 Action for Diversity & Inclusion, set by the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee (Tokyo 2020) in pursuit of creation of a society where everyone can find it easier to live in, and declares as follows:
“Everyone is a Winner” became a motto of the communities of Triathlon, a sport which was originated in the United States of America.
Triathlon Japan continues promoting the spirit of “No Losers, Only Winners” and has kept principles of “equity” and “fairness” in action where everyone is treated equally and can participate in this sport regardless of age or gender whatsoever.
Further, triathletes, with or without disabilities, challenge themselves in racing on the same course at the same venue.
Triathlon Japan earnestly addresses social challenges such as equity, diversity and inclusion through our sport. With our own subtle sensibility and broad mindset naturally developed in “pursuing harmony with nature” ― Triathlon; we will continue our endeavors to realize a better world into the future!
August 10, 2021
Triathlon Japan (Japan Triathlon Union)
*Tokyo 2020 D&I Actions
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