International Triathlon Union

11th JTU Science + Triathlon/Paratriathlon Conference


Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) will hold the 11th JTU Science + Triathlon/Paratriathlon Conference on February 13 (Sunday), 2022.
This research conference is organized annually by the JTU to provide opportunities to present research findings on the enhancement of high performance and development of triathlon/paratriathlon as well as on other related issues such as anti-doping.

This conference is certified by the Japan Sport Association as part of the course required in acquiring coaching license for triathlon.
1) Date: February 13 (Sun), 2022 1:00-4:30 PM
2) Format: Online (ZOOM)
3)Organizer: Japan Triathlon Union (JTU)
4)Planning & Execution: JTU Intelligence, Medical & Science Committee; JTU Seminar & Forum Committee; JTU Instructor Training Committee
5)Participation fee: 1,000 yen (JUTU Student Members); 2,000 yen (JTU Registered Members); 2,500 yen (non-JTU Members)
*registration deadline: February 7 (Mon), 2022 (Maximum attendance: 150)
7) Application deadline for paper presenters: January 31 (Mon), 2022
*Those who would like to present a research paper at the conference are requested to submit the presentation abstract (approx. 800 letters) to the organizers.

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