International Triathlon Union

Announcement Concerning a Traffic Accident Involving Triathlete during the Overseas Training Camp


With a deep sorrow, the Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) confirmed that Tsudoi MIYAZAKI, 25 years old, died in a traffic accident in Orléans, France, at around 9:35 a.m. local time on Wednesday 27th July 2022, when she came into contact with an oncoming vehicle during her bike training on the individual training camp at a triathlon overseas base.

The Japan Triathlon Union offer our sincerest prayers for the repose of her soul. We would also like to express our deep condolences to her family and all of her relatives and friends.
Ms. Miyazaki was born in Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. She started triathlon in college, won the Japan U23 Triathlon Championships in 2019, and was expected to grow into a leading, high-performing triathlete in the future, aiming to win medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics and the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.

Regarding the circumstances of the accident, local authorities are investigating and our local staff member is working through this tragedy. The JTU immediately dispatched staff members this morning, 28th July, to France to join the training base staff to take care of the situation in every possible aspect.

Japan Triathlon Union

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