International Triathlon Union

Announcement of 2023 Asia Triathlon Cup Osaka / Osaka Castle Triathlon 2023


The decision to hold the 2023 Asia Triathlon Cup Osaka/ Osaka Castle Triathlon 2023 has been made by the Osaka Castle Triathlon Organizers Committee (comprised of Osaka City, the Japan Triathlon Union and Osaka Prefectural Triathlon). These events will take place on Sunday, May 28, 2023.
For details of the event, please refer to the Osaka Castle Triathlon Homepage:

Date: 28 May, 2023
Venue: Osaka Castle Park / Swim: Osaka Castle East Outer Moat
Event Distances:
– Elite
 Sprint Distance 25.75 km(Swim:0.75 km/Bike:20.0 km/Run:5.0 km)
– Age-Group
・Standard Distance 51.5 km(Swim:1.5 km/Bike:40.0 km/Run:10.0 km)
・Sprint Distance 25.75 km(Swim:0.75 km/Bike:20.0 km/Run:5.0 km)
・Team Relay 25.75 km(Swim:0.75 km/Bike:20.0 km/Run:5.0 km)

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