International Triathlon Union

Asia TO Development Program (2023/Miyazaki)


On the occasion of the World Triathlon Cup Miyazaki scheduled for Oct 28-29, 2023, the Japan Triathlon Union will organize the TO Development Program for the Asian Triathlon Family. The Program will invite certified international TOs to not only experience the preparations of the event venue, scheduling and risk management but also observe the actual operations on the day of the event; it is intended to boost the technical officials (TOs) to the next level.

JTU organized the TO Development Program in Miyazaki last October, and this year in conjunction with the Asia Triathlon Cup Osaka in May. The TOs experienced Japanese event operations through participating in competition operations, and they took home and utilized the knowledge they gained. Furthermore, through information exchange and discussion, we received suggestions from the participating TOs on how to improve certain aspects of competition operation. Thanks to such suggestions, we are already working toward making improvements.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. If you are interested in participating, please check the details below and apply by Oct 5 (Thu).


1. World Triathlon (TRI) international TOs with L1 or L2 certification
2. Those who can adhere to the schedule to arrive in Japan on Oct 25 (Wed) and depart on Oct 30 (Mon), 2023 (6 days and 5 nights).
3. Those who can submit a written report after the completion of the on-site training program.

Participation Fees

1. Round-trip airfare to Japan, transportation fee within Japan and accommodation fee.
(Basically, the JTU will cover 65% of the total; the NF or the individual will pay 35%)
*Travel bookings must be made via the designated travel agency.
2. Meals during stay: 100% to be covered by the NF or the participant him/herself
3. Approximate cost:
3-1)Haneda International Airport to Miyazaki Airport (roundtrip 60,000 JPY)
3-2)Miyazaki Airport to Event Venue(roundtrip 10,000 JPY)

Selection Process

For selection, geographical and gender balance will be considered in case the applicants exceed the quota.     

How to Apply

Please fill out the designated form by Oct 5

NF info

1. Country
2. Name of the person in charge
3. Contact E-mail address

Applicant’s info

1. Name in full
3.World Triathlon TO certificate (L1, L2, L3)
4.World Triathlon TO ID
5.Contact E-mail address


1.Application deadline : Oct 5
2.Result notification : Oct 9
3.Information gathering on arrival in Japan: Oct 9~20
4.Receive visa at the local embassy: Oct 9~20
5.Arrival date: Oct 25

Entry Visa to Japan

Please check with the site of MOFA Japan below if you need to obtain a entry visa to Japan.
Exemption of Visa (Short-Term Stay)
In case you need to obtain a visa, please visit the website of the nearest Japan embassy or consulate
about the requirements for visa application.
Websites of Japanese Embassies, Consulates and Permanent Missions
If you need a set of supporting documents for your visa application, please download the Visa
Questionnaire Form and send it to our coordinator: Mike Kitatsugi after filling it out.
Visa Questionnaire (MSword)
Visa Questionnaire (MSword)

Visa Questionnaire (PDF)
Visa Questionnaire (PDF)


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