International Triathlon Union

World Triathlon, the World Triathlon Series Yokohama Organizing Committee and the Japan Triathlon Union have signed a five-year contract to host the World Triathlon Championship Series Yokohama!


On November 17, Antonio Arimany (Spain), the Executive Director of World Triathlon which is the international governing body of the sport of triathlon and para triathlon, visited Japan and made a visit to Mayor Yamanaka of Yokohama City.
Furthermore, World Triathlon, the World Triathlon Series Yokohama Organizing Committee and the Japan Triathlon Union signed a new five-year agreement (2025-2029) to host the World Triathlon Championship Series and the Para Triathlon Series Yokohama.

Executive Director Antonio Arimany, in expressing his high expectations for the Yokohama event, commented, “I feel that the energy of Yokohama City has been poured into triathlon through the past events, and I hope that YOKOHAMA will grow as the triathlon capital not only of Japan and Asia, but of the world”.

The Yokohama event has been held since 2009 in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Port of Yokohama. It will be held for the 14th time next year in 2024. Over the years, the Yokohama event has taken on a number of challenges, including the purification of the water quality of the Port of Yokohama, the creation of the para triathlon series category, supporting Ukrainian athletes, and becoming Japan’s first international sporting event to be held after Covid-19 was reclassified as a Class 5 infectious disease.

The LOC will regard the five-year contract period of 2025-2029 as the third stage leading up to the 170th anniversary of the opening of the port of Yokohama. They will strengthen partnership with World Triathlon and will endeavor to promote excitement about the city through creating various activities unique to Yokohama, which will help enhance the presence of “Yokohama—The City of Triathlon/Para Triathlon.”

*World Triathlon Championship Series ・Para Series YOKOHAMA official HP

Visit and discussion with Mayor Yamanaka of Yokohama City
The contract handover ceremony

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