Japan Triathlon Coaching Symposium 2023

Every year, the Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) organizes a symposium oncoaching for the purpose of developing competitiveness and
dissemination of the sport, inviting not only experts of triathlon but other professionals from in and outside the country as well.
This year, in view of contributing to the development of competitiveness of Asia as a whole, we are opening the symposium via
webinar to the interested audience of the Asian Triathlon Family.
The keynote speaker will be Mr. Parker Spencer, USA Triathlon High Performance Development Senior Manager & Project Podium Head Coach, who will provide insights on the process beginning from the selection of talent to nurturing them to an elite level. This includes introducing examples of coaching methods used at the front line to aid the development and strengthening of triathletes.
Prior to the keynote lecture, the JTU High Performance staff and coach will introduce how JTU is trying to cultivate and strengthen talent, as well as presenting the interim report on the coaching training program currently underway in the USA (simultaneous Japanese-English translation will be provided).
Those who are interested in participating should make sure to register via the following site by October 12 (Thu) in order to receive the zoom link for the symposium:
Date: October 16, 2023 10:00 AM-12:10 (JST)
Organizer: The Japan Triathlon Union
Format: Online (Zoom Webinar)
Language: Japanese-English (simultaneous translation will be provided)
Opening Remarks
The Structure and Current State of FTEM JTU Version
(Mr. Kunihiro Kondo, JTU Triathlon High Performance Assistant Director)
An Interim Report of JOC Overseas Training Program for Coaches (in USA)
(Ms. Shizuka Kutsuna, JOC Overseas Coaching Program Trainee)
Keynote Lecture “USAT Project Podium Initiatives”
(Mr. Parker Spencer, USA Triathlon High Performance Development Senior Manager / Head Coach, Project Podium)
For inquiries, please contact the JTU Office (jtuoffice01@jtu.or.jp)
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