「Festive greetings to the Triathlon family」
「Festive greetings to the Triathlon family」 031225 |
Triathlon and other ITU multi-sports (Duathlon, Aquathlon,Team Tri., Winter Tri.) and the athletes (AWAD, Elite, U/23, Juniors and Age Groups) had a terrific year in 2003 – the best yet.
Highlights included the Triathlon World Championships (Queenstown, NZ), the Long Distance World Championships (Ibiza, Spain) and the ITU Congress (Nice, France). We expect another great year in 2004, and we hope that you and your athletes will be able to join us at the Athens Olympics in August and the 2004 ITU Triathlon World Championships next May in Madeira, Portugal. Thank you so much for the amount of volunteer work that you do throughout the year to give our athletes the best of everything, that they so rightfully deserve. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Your sincerely, Les McDonald, ITU President |
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