International Triathlon Union



「トンヨン(韓国)アクアスロン参加募集!」 040928-1






JTU事務局(大塚事務局 長宛 []、回覧[]に

1. Date: 24 (Sunday) October 2004
2. Location: Area of Hansan Island in Tongyeong City
3. Hosts:Tongyeong City, Korea Triathlon Federation
4. Supported by: Kyung-nam Triathlon Federation,
  Tongyeong Triathlon Federation
5. Main Event: Aquathlon (Run 2.5k, Swim 1k, Run 2.5k)
6. Participating plan: Related nations of the World’s Great
Sea Battles:
– 50 International Navy Academy cadets from China, Egypt,
France, Greece, Japan, Russia, The United Kingdom, The
United States of America, Korea, China)
– 500 Age Group Athletes

. Event’s information and course
1. Information

Date Time Contents
Oct. 23 (Sat) 12:00 – 18:00, Registration and Bike Inspection
18:00 – 19:30, Opening Ceremony
Oct. 24 (Sun) 08:30 – 09:30, Registration
09:30-09:45, Warming up
10:00 – 12:00, Race starts
12:30 – Award Ceremony

2. Course
Events, Distance, Event’s Course, Remark
Run: 2.5k, Hansan-myun office-Che Seung dang, 1 lap
Swim: 1K, Front Sea of Che Seung Dang, 2 laps
Run: 2.5K, Che seung dang-Front of Hansan- myun office, 1lap

. Event’s outline
1. Eligibility
A. Naval Academy’s cadets: 50 athletes from the related nations’
B. Age group: Any registered athletes.

2. Application
A. Deadline for application: September 30, 2004
B. Registration: Event’s organizing committee and on
federation’s web page.
C. Fee:
+ Naval Academy’s cadet: No fee
+ Age Group: Local athletes 30,000 Korean Won,
 International athletes US $50

. Main Events
1. Opening Ceremony
A. Date: 2004. 10. 23 (Sat), 18:00 – 20:00
1) Location: Marina Resort
2) Participant: Event’s LOC and guests
3) Official events: Congratulatory and Greeting Messages

2. Awarding Ceremony
A. Date: 2004. 10. 24 (Sun) 12:30
B. Location: Che seung-dang

C. Awards
1) Naval Academy’s cadets: Individual ranking 1st to 3rd Place,
 Team Ranking 1st to 3rd Place
2) Age group: Individual age group ranking both Men and Women
 1st to 3rdPlace, Team ranking 1st-5th Place

D. Awarding: Trophy, Certification, Flower bouquet, and gift # #

社団法人 日本トライアスロン連合(JTU)東京都渋谷区渋谷2−9−10 青山キングビル3F   Tel.03−5469−5401(代) Fax.03−5469−5403                     
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