International Triathlon Union






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ITU Level 2 Technical Official Course DETAILS

20-21 November, 2010
Location: Incheon, Korea
Host Hotel: Best Western Songdo Park Hotel
Address: 93-1 Songdo-dong Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea
Tel: 032 210 7000

Airport: Incheon International Airport
Even dates and times:
The Level 2 Technical Offcial course will open at 8:30 AM on 20 November and end 21 November, 2010. Class times will be from 8:30 – 18:00 daily.

*Course objectives: the objectives of course is to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at Continental Championships, Continental Cups and MultiSport Series Events as a TD and at World Championships, World Cups and Major MultiSport Events as a TO.

1.Two (2) years as NTO
2. Minimum four (4) ITU Events within 4 previous years

*Course Outline:
1.Technical Official Guide,
2.Event Organizer Manual
3.Training on all technical documentation 4.Case studies from previous multisport continental championships, continental cups and minor multisport games 5.Paratriathlon 6.Workshop
Evaluation: Candidates will be evaluated on class attendance and pass the exam

All applicants for the course must complete the attached application form and return it via National Federation
*Entry Deadline : 10 November, 2010.

We look forward to working with everyone.

The ASTC will provide accommodation (3 rooms – double occupancy), ground transportation and food for 6 participants from overseas.
Additional participants are welcome to register but will have to fund their living expenses.

“2010 Seoul ITU Technical Officials Level II Seminar Seminar’s Schedule”

◆Part A Saturday, November 20, 2010

08: 30 – 09: 15 Opening Speech
09: 15 – 10: 30Technical Delegates and Event Organizers serving Triathlon the next Olympiad

Part B
10: 45 10:45 – 12: 30″Venue & Technical Operations 1 (TOs’ Assignments, Code of behavior, TOs’ Responsibilities)”

13: 15 – 14: 45″Venue & Technical Operations 2
(Pre Planning Period, Timing & Results, Entries, Meeting Agenda, Pre Competition Activities, Registration )”

15: 00 – 16: 15″Venue & Technical Operations 3
(Athletes’ Introduction, Start Procedures, Swim, Transition)”

16: 30 – 18: 00″Venue & Technical Operations 4
(Bike, Run, Wheel station, Aid station, Finish)”

◆ Sunday, November 21, 2010

08: 30 – 09: 15″Venue & Technical Operations 5
(Medical Services, Doping Control, Venue Overlays, Accreditation)”

09: 30 – 10: 45″Venue & Technical Operations 6 (Communication, Evacuation Procedures, Contingency Plan, Media & TV, Sport Presentation, Medal Ceremonies, Branding)”

Part C
11: 00 – 13: 00″Team Workshop: Officiating at the ATU Triathlon Championship”

13: 30 – 16: 00″Workshop Presentations ITU Technical Officials Level 2 Certification Exam (material distribution) Course closing”

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