International Triathlon Union






INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON UNION Event Organisers’ Manual(EOM) Part C: Technical Operations


12. Relay zone 

12.1 Relay zone layout 

a) The exact placement of the relay zone will be determined by the TD.
b) The relay zone should be located outside the bike and the run course and be connected to the swim start area.
c) Relay zone areas must be secured.
d) Need to be clear marked with:
One white background colour, blue text colour, 60cm x 80cm with the text ‘Relay Zone’ (material of cell polypropylene 5mm, signage should be indicated by both sides); and
看板の地色は白、文字は青色、表記内容は「Relay Zone:リレーゾーン」で横60センチメートル、縦80センチメートル(セルの素材はポリプロピレン厚さ5ミリメートルで看板両面に表記);さらに、
One white background colour, blue text colour, 60cm x 80cm with the text ‘200m to Relay Zone’ (material of cell polypropylene 5mm, signage should be indicated by both sides).
看板の地色は白、文字は青色、表記内容は「200m to Relay Zone:200m先にリレーゾーン」で横60センチメートル、縦80センチメートル(セルポリプロピレン厚さ5ミリメートル素材、セルの素材はポリプロピレン厚さ5ミリメートルで看板両面に表記)
e) Need to be 15m long.
f) Pre-relay zone should be adjacent to the relay zone.

図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 62頁


12.2 Relay zone equipment 

a) 1 table and 2 chairs. a)テーブル1個と椅子2脚。
b) provide cover for the technical official and portable toilet.
c) Timing chips, a timing clock and timing mat (according to the timing set up plan).
d) Spare swim caps should be provided.
e) Recovery area facilities.
f) Medical area facilities.
g) Boxes for the last minute gear.


12.3 Relay zone personnel 

a) The relay zone is managed and controlled by technical officials.
b) Medical personnel should be available at the pre-relay zone.
c) Volunteers should be provided by the LOC for timing chip distribution/ collection and for the recovery area.


13. Public address system 

13.1 High quality public address system that will provide clear sound to:
a) Swim start a)スイムスタート
b) Stadium area b)スタジアムエリア
c) Extend minimum of 100m outside of the stadium area.
d) A separate system may be required at the swim start area to ensure full coverage for the Referee.
e) A PA system check must be planned at least 24 hours prior to competition start.


13.2 Approving of event announcers (See the specifications for the protocol in ITU Sport Presentation Manual)
a) Proven knowledge about the sport, the athletes, the sponsors and ITU.
b) The announcement always has to be in English and in the language of the host country.
c) Competition commentary should be complimented with appropriate music. Music play list is available from ITU.
d) Refer to the ITU Sport Presentation Manual for further details.


14. Medal presentation

14.1 Medal presentation layout 

a) Podium placement: placed in full view of VIP and spectator area and off the field of play. The podium can’t be placed in the finish gantry.
a)表彰台の配置: VIPと観客エリアからの完全な視界のなかで競技コース外に配置する。表彰台はフィニッシュガントリ内に配置することはできない。
b) Podium specifications: The centre standard should be the highest (O,75m x 1m x 1m), with the one of the left slightly lower (O,5m x 1m x 1m) and the one on the right the lowest (0,25m x 1m x 1m).

c) Carpet specifications: the podium steps will be completely covered in blue carpet with a red carpet 2m x 10m in front of the podium.
d) Flag positioning and standards: The centre standard should be the highest, with the one of the left slightly lower and the one on the right the lowest. The athletes should not turn more than 45° to see the flags. The flags have to be visible for the VIPs.
e) The LOC is responsible to ensure that they have flags of each country of participating athletes. Provision must be made for multiple winners from one country. This can be reviewed with ITU TL.
e)LOCは、参加している各国選手の国旗を確保する必要がある。一カ国から複数の勝者が出ることを想定しておく。これをITU TL(ITUリームリーダー)が確認する。
f)Backdrop specifications (refer to the ITU Branding Guideline for the layout):


14.2 Medal presentation equipment 

3 flag poles 旗用ポール3本
Country flags of podium athletes 表彰台の選手用国旗
2 trays (one for medals and one for flowers)トレイ2個(メダル用1と花用1)
ITU medals (ITU supplied) ITUメダル(ITが提供)
6 flower bouquets 花束6本
6 bottles of champagneシャンパン6本


14.3 Medal presentation personnel

a) 3 flag bearers a)旗手3名
b) 1 medal bearer b)メダル持参者1名
1 flower bearer花持参者1名
1 medal presenter メダルプレゼンター1名(贈呈者)
1 flower presenter 花束プレゼンター1名
f) Champagne presenter(s) f)シャンパンプレゼンター(2名も可)
g) The medal and the flower presenters can be separate for men and women and the gender equity applies.


14.4 Medal presentation procedures 

a) Flag bearers lead the procession in the following order 2nd place flag, 1st place flag, and 3rd place flag
b) Followed by: b)次が続く。
The flower bearer; 花の持参者(フラワーアシスタント);
The medal bearer; メダルの持参者(メダルアシスタント);
2nd place athlete; 2位選手;
1st place athlete; 1位選手;
3rd place athlete; 3位選手;
The medal presenter; メダルプレゼンター
The flower presenter. 花束プレゼンター
c) The procession will assemble in designated assembly area.
d) The ITU official will give the cue to the music operator who will start the intro music and the procession will begin.
e) The flag bearers will lead the procession.
f) The procession will proceed towards the podium area (to the right of podium), and will go behind the podium and return on left side and position themselves next to the flag poles that will be placed at right angle and perpendicular to the podium. f)行列は表彰台エリアに向かって進み(表彰台の右側)、表彰台の後ろをまわって左側に戻り、表彰台に直角で垂直に設置された旗のポール横に待機する。
g) The flower and medal bearers will follow the flag bearers and position themselves on the left side and perpendicular to the podium.
h) The athletes will drop off behind their podium spot.
i) The medal presenter, followed by the flower presenter will stop before the podium and perpendicular to the podium and face the medal and flower bearer on the opposite side.
j) When the announcer finishes announcing the third place athlete, the medal presenter and medal bearer will step forward and meet in front of the athlete, the presenter will take the medal and present it to the athlete and the medal bearer will step back into position.
k) When the medal presenter has presented the medal he/she will step back and the flower presenter and flower bearer will step forward and the flowers will be presented to the athlete.
I) The flower presenters will step back and all will follow the same procedure for 2nd and 1st place finisher on cue from the announcer.
m) When 1st place medal and flowers are presented, the announcer will ask everyone to stand/rise for the anthem of winning athlete.
m) 1位のメダルと花が授与されたら、アナウンサーは勝利選手の国歌のために全員の起立を促す。
n) As the anthem begins the flag bearers/raisers will raise the flags slowly with the wining flag going up first and reaching the top as the anthem ends.
o) The flower bearer will lead the procession off the stage and is followed by medal bearer, followed by athletes, followed by presenters.
p) This same procedure will be repeated for women and men. Once both medal ceremonies are complete the announcer will invite all medallists to join on to the podium for the champagne presentation.
p)これと同じ手順で、女子と男子ともに繰り返す。両方のメダルセレモニーが終わったら、 アナウンサーはメダリスト全員をシャンパンプレゼンテーションのために表彰台に上がるよう促す。


15. Athletes lounge specifications 

15.1 Elite athletes requirements

a) Area size: minimum 80m2 a)エリアのサイズ:最小80平方メートル
b) Stables b)待機場所
c) 20 chairs c)20椅子
d) Food services (water, fruit, cookies, isotonic beverage) d)食品サービス(水、フルーツ、クッキー、アイソトニック飲料)
e) Clothing storage by race number e)レースナンバー毎の衣類収納箱
f) Access to toilets (10) f)トイレへのアクセス(10)
g) Easy access to the bike mechanic centre and to the medical tent. g)バイクメカニックセンターとメディカルテントへの簡単なアクセス
h) Showers are recommended to be provided. h)シャワー設置を推奨


15.2 Age group athletes requirements 

a) Area size: minimum 300m2 a)エリアのサイズ:最小300平方メートル
b) 60 tables b)テーブル60
c) 100 chairs c)椅子100
d) Food services (water, fruit, cookies, isotonic beverage). d)食品サービス(水、フルーツ、クッキー、アイソトニック飲料)
e) Clothing storage by country or by age group. e)国やエイジグループごとの衣類保管
f) Access to toilets (40) – 2 wheelchairs accessible. f)トイレ(40)へのアクセス-★車椅子2台のアクセス
g) Easy access to the bike mechanic centre and the medical tent. g)バイクメカニックとメディカルテントへの簡易なアクセス
h) Information system regarding the start times and the waves. h)スタートタイムとウェーブの情報システム


15.3 Elite uniform check requirements 

a) Area size: minimum 20m2  a)エリアのサイズ:最小20平方メートル
b) 3 tables and 15 chairs  b)テーブル3と椅子15
c) Must be located in a secure area in the athletes lounge. c)アスリートラウンジの保護エリアに設置する。
d) Technical officials equipments requirements: d)審判員用具の要件:
Athlete uniform templates (at least 4 cards); アスリートユニフォームのテンプレート(最小4枚);
Digital camera; デジタルカメラ; Spare uniforms; 予備ユニフォーム; Spare decals; 予備ボディナンバーシール; Swim caps; スイムキャップ Timing chips; タイミングチップ; Security;セキュリティ and Clock.およびクロック

16. Athletes briefing 16.アスリートブリーフィング
a) 250 person venue with seating in theatre style. a)シアター形式で250人分の収容会場と椅子。
b) A stage or raised platform at front of room. b)ステージまたは部屋の前方で高くした台
c) Table with ITU skirting (supplied by ITU) and chairs for speakers.
c )ITUバナー(ITU提供)で囲われたテーブルと話し手用の椅子。
d) Tent name cards with ITU logo and event logo and names of all speakers. d)ITUロゴ、イベントロゴ、すべての話し手の名前が入ったネームカードを付ける。
e) 2-3 check in tables. e)チェックイン(受付)用のテーブル2?3
f) Athlete packages organised in race number order. f)レースナンバー順に整えられたアスリートパッケージ。
g) 10 copies of start lists for checking athletes. g)選手チェック用のスタートリスト10枚。
h) Athletes sign in sheet. h)選手の署名用シート。
i) 100 pens for athletes use. i)選手使用のペン100本。
j) Athletes’agreement (supplied by ITU). j)選手の同意書(ITU提供)
k) 2/3 copies of accredited coaches list and coach/manager sign in sheet. k)認定コーチリストとコーチ/マネージャーの署名用コピー。
l) 2 set large course maps. l)大型コースマップ2セット。
m) Printed copies of athlete briefing for each athlete with letter size maps.
n) Athletes’medical waiver. n)選手の医療確認書。
o) 6 knowledgeable volunteers. o)知識豊富なボランティア6名。
p) Tape/staples and other miscellaneous office supplies. p)テープ/ステープルと各種事務用品。
q) Refreshments for the athletes (bottled water and sport drink and food). q)選手用飲食(ボトル入り飲料水、スポーツドリンク、食品)。
r) A suitable area for athlete interviews with ITU backdrop. r)ITUバックドロップ(立て看板)を背景に選手インタビューに適したエリア。
s) The area should be secured with enough security personnel. s)このエリアは十分な数のセキュリティ担当者が管理する。
t) The area should be wheelchair accessible. t)このエリアは車椅子対応とする。



17.1 General 17.1一般
a) The ITU Medical Committee may appoint a medical delegate to oversee the medical operations of the event.
b) The ITU Medical Delegate (ITU MD) may conduct one site visit prior to an ITU event.
b)ITUメディカルデリゲート(ITU MD)は、ITUイベント前に現場視察を行うことができる。
c) The ITU Medical Delegate will liaise with the event appointed Race Medical Director (RMD). The ITU Medical Delegate reviews, with the Race Medical Director all the information relating to medical and doping control requirements for the event.
d) The Race Medical Director attends the ITU event, the year prior to study and work with the medical team.

17.2 Medical plan 17.2メディカルプラン(医療計画)
The LOCs of the World Championship, World Cup and Continental Championship events should submit to the ITU Events Department and to the ITU Medical Committee, no later than one month before their event a full competition medical plan. This document should include:

a) Onsite medical services (facilities, equipment, and supplies);
b) Offsite medical services (facilities, equipment, and supplies);
c) Medical coverage per discipline;
Paratriathlon special services (if applicable); Staffing & scheduling; Ambulance distribution and medical response maps; Communication plan; Operational plan & procedures; Team doctors Information & registration forms; Athletes’ waiver.
パラトライアスロン用の特別なサービス(もしあれば);人員配置とスケジュール;救急車の配置と医療対応マップ; コミュニケーション計画;運用計画と手順;チームドクター情報?登録フォーム;選手権利放棄書:予算


17.3 Personnel:

a) The LOC will appoint a Race Medical Director (RMD). The RMD is responsible for the overall medical operations of the venue, and should preferably have experience in major sport/endurance events. The RMD is responsible for informing the ITU Medical Delegate (ITU MD) and/or TD about the medical organisation of the event.
a)LOCはレースメディカルディレクター(RMD)を任命する。 RMDは会場全体の医療運営を担当し、主要なスポーツや耐久競技での経験があることが望まれる。RMDはITUメディカルデリゲート(ITU MD)および/またはTDにイベントの医療運営について報告する責任がある。
b) The RMD appoints other medical staff; organises the facilities in cooperation with the LOC; and organizes supplies and equipment.
c) Two paramedics per 100 athletes is the minimum.

d) There should be one physician per 200 athletes, with a minimum of four physicians.
e) There should be one nurse per 100 athletes, with a minimum of six nurses.
f) Two doctors must be present and on duty for the entire event. One doctor should be located within the medical facility and the other doctor must be mobile.
g) Physicians have the authority to withdraw a athlete at any point for safety or health reasons.

h) Doctors, nurses and paramedics must be clearly identifiable and have the authority to enter the field of play in the event of medical emergencies.
i) Medical spotters will be placed along the swim course.
j) Medical spotters will be placed every 500m on the bike course and will be supplied with radios and/or cell phones. The spotters will not be on the field of play, but will have access in the case of an emergency.

k) Medical spotters will be placed on the run course (numbers will be determined based on the course design).
I) Paramedics and stretchers must be in attendance adjacent to the swim exit, transition area and at the finish area.
l) パラメディック(救命士、救急医療補助者)とストレッチャー(担架)は、スイム出口、トランジションエリア、フィニッシュエリア付近に配置される。
m)The LOC must ensure that all marshals and other race officials are aware of all medical facilities and their locations.


17.4 Ambulances and access

a) A minimum of three ambulances will be required, plus an additional one every 500
athletes: one ambulance will be stationed near the finish area and the medical facility two ambulances will be stationed strategically on the bike course. The final number should be approved by the ITU MD or TD.
b) Ambulances will be equipped with the following: direct communication with medical headquarters and direct communication with all necessary cardiopulmonary resuscitation supplies and trained personnel.
c) Ambulance emergency access routes must be planned both from the competition site and bike course.


17.5 Hospitals 

a) The nearest hospital must be informed of the event well in advance and advised of the possible emergency that may arise.


17.6 Medical records

a) Accurate and complete medical records must be kept on all medical instances. Those records must be submitted to the ITU Medical Delegate or TD.

b) The records must be shredded after the events to protect the privacy laws in place in each jurisdiction.


17.7 Race medical management

a) Main principles for an effective race medical management:
Split the course in sectors in order to have the same communication code between the TOs, medical staff and LOC;
Place the ambulance at the most dangerous points;

Make sure that an ambulance can reach the entire field of play by using the minimum of the course;
Allocate a number to the dangerous corners for effective communication;
Make sure that there will be a number of paramedic bikes for an effective response to the accidents;

The volunteers that are found in distance 100m from the point of the accident should make warning signals to the following athletes; Report to the VCC immediately;
Inform the TD and the medical services; The ambulance should enter from the nearest intersection and park close to the side of the road. The volunteers should continue to inform the other athletes;
The ambulance should exit from the nearest crossing point. The ambulance should move on the FOP according to the athletes’ flows; and
When there is a need for a simple transport of a patient, from the spot of the incident to the venue, then the ambulance may follow the course to the athletes’ area. In case of an accident of involving many athletes during the bike course, we should ensure first the athletes‘ integrity who is involved in the accident as well as the other athletes, and those needing medical attention will be sent to the nearest medical services. The actual facility is arranged prior to the event by the ITU Medical Delegate or TD.


17.8 Athlete medical 17.8選手の医療
a) Area specifications: a)エリア仕様:
Finish area tent size: 3m x 6m for World Cup / 9m x 9m for World Championships;
Location of tent: adjacent and accessible to finish area; テントの場所:フィニッシュエリアに隣接し、アクセスしやすく。
4 tables;テーブル4;
12/20 chairs; 椅子12〜20;
Access to toilets; トイレへのアクセス;
Radio communication and medical records area; 無線通信と医療記録エリア;
Must be located in a secure area with direct access to the competition finish and must not be accessible to media; and
Emergency access and ambulance placement must be planned.


17.9 Medical supplies:

CPR; 心臓蘇生用機器;
Medication for acute cardiac care; 急性心臓病ケアの医薬品;
Trauma supplies; 外傷用機器;
O2; 酸素;
Thermometers; 温度計;
I.V. fluids; 点滴流;
Water; 水;
Ice; 氷;
Blankets; 毛布;
Towels; タオル;
Hospitals to be notified; 通知する病院;
Medical emergency vehicles on site and on course with planned access routes; Bikes for mobile medical spotters; Medical Records (all medical treatments must be recorded and stored for records); and LOC must ensure that all athletes sign the medical waiver and report any allergies or medications that are being taken.


17.10 Massage facilities

a) General requirements a)一般必要事項
A massage facility should be in placed adjacent to the athletes lounge, but not in the medical facility area; The massage facility should be a tent or other such covered facility; Massage personnel should be determined by the number of athletes and the level of services offered; and Massage is not a requirement, but is recommended as a service to the athletes.


17.11 Spectator medical

a) 10m2 tent should be provided for spectator medical personnel with limited facilities as above.


17.12 Cold water conditions’ preparation

It often usual to organise events in water temperature lower that 15°C degrees. Although the final distance of the swim leg is a decision that has to be made by the TD, the ITU Medical Delegate, the LOC Medical Team and the Lifeguards, the LOC should provide the following in any case:
a) Shower with ambient water temperature at the swim exit.
b) Advise the athletes to have a proper swim warm up in order to immerse their bodies and heads prior to starting the competition to acclimatize.
c) Blankets, etc to combat hypothermia should be ready.
d) Increase the number of the safety boats and equip them with space blankets.
e) Create medical stations around the course where athletes with hypothermic symptoms can stop.
f) Provide heaters and blankets at the recovery area.



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