COVID-19 Outbreak – Guidelines for RMDs and MDs(簡易訳)
本資料は、JTUメディカル委員会が作成した、次のガイドラインの簡易訳(英和対比)です。ITU メディカル委員会からの英文が原本であり、英文と和文(簡易訳)に差異がある場合は、英文の意味を優先します。内容についてご意見や質問は、JTU事務局宛にお願いします。
International Triathlon Union (ITU) | ITU Avenue de Rhodanie 54 |Lausanne CH-1007 Tel: + 41 21 614 60 30
COVID-19 Outbreak – Guidelines for RMDs and MDs Lausanne 12/03/2020 – ITU Medical Committee
COVID-19アウトブレイク-RMDおよびMDのガイドライン ローザンヌ
2020年3月12日現在 国際トライアスロン連合(ITU)メディカル委員会
This document will be updated taking into account the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak and WHO recommendations.
COVID-19 continues to cause significant challenges, both for international athletes travelling between multiple countries and for the organisation of ITU races. ITU is following all the recommendations from WHO and the ITU Medical Committee is monitoring the situation on a daily basis.
ITU fully respects and supports the initiatives of the LOCs and of the National Health advice of each country on this matter. But, as a general reminder, it is important that every athlete, coach and team official is aware of the indications found in our “Medical Guidelines for international athletes, team coaches, TOs and staff” about the procedures to reduce potential infections.
Please remember these procedures, all explained in the referred document:
• Consulting with your team physicians
• The procedure of epidemic control
• Don’t over train your athletes
• Washing hands is the most important measure to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and to prevent illness.
Keep in mind that all the triathletes have the responsibility to not travel and to compete when they are at risk for medical problems due to recent/current illness.
Athletes, Team Coaches, TOs, ITU and Medical Staff
• The participants and the personnel staff who feel unwell (i.e. fever, cough) should stay at home and keep away from work, school, or crowds until symptoms resolve. Still away from the event when ill!
In case of symptoms suggestive of acute respiratory illness before, during or after travel, the athletes are encouraged to seek medical attention and share travel history with their health care provider
• Public health authorities should provide travellers all information to reduce the general risk of acute respiratory infections via health practitioners, travel health clinics, travel agencies, conveyance operators and at Points of Entry.
The ITU have issued WHO recommendations following the measures to reduce the general risk of transmission from acute respiratory infections listed below:
• Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections
• Wash your hands frequently, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment
• People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practise cough etiquette (maintain distance of one metre, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash their hands)
To identify risks in advance
• Monitor the official developments of COVID-19 cases, following SOS International to identify the risk to events in impacted areas.
・影響を受ける地域のイベントに対するリスクを特定するために、SOS Internationalに従ってCOVID-19症例の公的な進展情報を監視してください
• Continue to coordinate with your National Federations (NFs) and Local Organising Committees (LOCs) to obtain the latest updates on national health regulations in territories hosting your events
• Liaise with the national health authorities of your events, to determine any necessary medical or health documentation for participants (eg mandatory questionnaire and an approved medical examination certificate if required by local health authorities
• Work with the local health authorities to organise ongoing health screening on site, including a temperature check for athletes and entourage upon arrival, pre-competition and during competition, and check for those individuals arriving from highly affected areas the compliance with the quarantine, if requested by the host country.
• Work with health agencies to implement standard operating procedures for suspected cases.
• Organisers need to consider, with the local health authority, how and where participants presenting with COVID-19-like symptoms will be tested. This will also require prior agreement on specimen transport (or participant transport to testing facility).
・主催者は、地元の保健当局とともに、COVID-19を疑う症状を呈する参加者をどのように、どこで検査するかを考慮する必要があります。 これには、検体の輸送(または検査施設への参加者の輸送)に関する事前の合意も必要です。
• It will be not possible for anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 illness to return to their home country for the treatment except by the use of specific Med Evac flights with appropriate isolation/containment facilities.
・COVID-19の感染症と診断された人は、適切な隔離/収容施設を備えた特定のMed Evac flight(医療避難用航空機)を使用しない限り、治療のために母国に戻ることはできません。
• The RMD has overall responsibility for organisation and race-day medical care. He must have good connections in the local medical community, local Hospital Emergency Department and with the National Medical Authorities.
・RMDは、組織および大会当日の医療に関する全体的な責任を負います。 RMDは、地元の医師会、地元病院の救急部、および国の医療当局との良好な関係を持たなければなりません。
On the field
• Soap and water or alcohol hand sanitizers and tissues should be accessible in all common areas and especially in the medical treatment areas.
• Availability of masks for anyone who has cold-like symptoms. Please note that masks are not recommended for anyone who is healthy.
• Display health advisories at venue, reminding athletes and entourage to maintain high levels of personal hygiene, including advice on hand washing, and minimising physical contact.
• Request that all participants monitor their own health
• Isolate persons who become ill while at the event
• Establish isolation areas in on-site medical treatment clinics/facilities where such persons can be initially assessed and triage should be considered.
• The isolation area should be equipped with the necessary supplies to facilitate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
• The medical staff attending persons who are ill should wear a mask, then dispose of it immediately after a contact and cleanse thoroughly afterwards.
• Increase medical personnel on-site.
• Where possible, event organisers should consider distancing measures to reduce contact among people during the event (i.e. increasing the frequency of transport, staggering arrivals, diverting departures, and minimising congregation at sanitary stations and food and water distribution areas.
・可能な限り、イベントの主催者は、イベント中の人と人との接触を減らすための距離を置く手段を検討する必要があります(つまり、輸送の頻度を増やし、到着をずらし、出発を迂回させ、衛生ステ ーションと食料と配水エリアでの集会を最小限に抑えます)。
- このニュースは表記の日時現在のものであり、追加変更の可能性があります。
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