ワールドトライアスロンがインフロント社とのパートナーシップ契約を8年延長!/World Triathlon extends its partnership with Infront for another eight years
これにより、日本国内の大会である世界トライアスロン・パラトライアスロンシリーズ横浜大会及びトライアスロンワールドカップ宮崎シーガイア大会、トライアスロンワールドカップ大阪城大会は、世界各国へのテレビ配信とTriathlon LIVEのネット配信によりあらゆるコンテンツを提供することになります。
ワールドトライアスロン グローバルパートナー:NTT
日本トライアスロン連合 オフィシャルトップパートナー:NTT東日本・NTT西日本
World Triathlonプレスリリース本文:
World Triathlon has extended its exclusive partnership with Infront, a Wanda Sports Group company, for another eight years until the end of the 2028 season.
The long-term prolongation will see Infront and World Triathlon continue its close collaboration to develop the well-established TriathlonLIVE over-the-top (OTT) platform through dedicated content and marketing campaigns. Infront will also exclusively distribute the international media rights for World Triathlon’s top tier events including the World Triathlon Championship Series, World Triathlon Championship Finals and World Triathlon Sprint & Relay Championships.
World Triathlon President and IOC member, Marisol Casado said: “After several seasons of partnership with Infront we are delighted with the continuous growth of TriathlonLIVE and the exposure of our sport through our global broadcast partners. We look forward to continuing this balanced approach together with Infront to reach and engage our worldwide audience via all media channels.”
Julien Terniisien, Infront Senior Vice President Summer Sports said: “Our cooperation with World Triathlon over the last few years provides a strong foundation for this extended agreement despite the global disruptions to the season and we are excited to continue our collaboration. This long-term partnership allows us to build on a joint strategy to find the right balance between broadcast and the growing importance of the TriathlonLIVE to bring the sport to a wider and more engaged audience.”
Since it began its partnership in 2018, World Triathlon and Infront have worked together to further develop its offering to fans.
This included launching a new look of TriathlonLIVE ahead of the 2019 season, which now provides subscribers with more complete and in-depth coverage from over 80 live events per season, as well as exclusive content, behind the scenes videos, extended interviews and live coverage of other events, including national end regional triathlon races.
ワールドトライアスロンは、Wanda Sportsグループ企業であるインフロント(Infront)社との独占パートナーシップ契約を2028年シーズンの終わりまでさらに8年延長することを発表しました。
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