2022世界選手権でパラトライアスロンの新たな歴史 初のパラトライアスロン混合リレーを実施
IFであるWorld Triathlon(TRI)は、将来の競技化に向けた選手のフィードバックやロジスティック、手順の確認などを行うことを目的として実施しました。
【ワールドトライアスロン世界選手権パラミックスリレー 実施概要】
1)開催日 11月26日(土)7:15スタート
・男女各2選手ずつ計4名 ただし、3選手からなるチームも可能で、その場合はPTSの選手が必要に応じて2回競技する
*World Triathlonニュース
【Para Triathlon history made in Abu Dhabi with first ever Para Triathlon Mixed Relay】
For the first time ever in the sport, a Para Triathlon Mixed Relay was held on Saturday morning, part of the programme of the World Triathlon Championship Finals Abu Dhabi and a landmark moment for para sport.
Given the inherent diversity of para triathlon racing the planning needed to be intricate, the format was bold and the result was revelatory, the atmosphere and celebrations on the course and at the finish testament to the sense of something special being created.
“I have been blown away watching the racing today, the spectators and athletes have loved it and it will be fantastic if we can get this event into the Paralympic Games,” said Debbie Alexander, World Triathlon Vice President and IPC Board Member. “We know the huge impact that the mixed relay had in the Olympics, and I am convinced that it will do the same for Para Triathlon. We are making history today and I want to thank everyone involved for continuing to evolve and innovate our sport.”
“I’m very pleased to be here and to explore new events for these talented athletes,” said Mohamed Alhameli, Chairman of the UAE Paralympic Committee and IPC Board Member. “It is the first time the relay has been introduced and I hope it will become part of the official World Triathlon events soon. Thanks to the World Triathlon management and the organising committee and the participating countries. I think it is a product that will be loved by the media – short, exciting and a great look at what these talented athletes can do.”
The showcase event saw 9 teams line up: two from Australia and USA, France, Italy and three World Triathlon mixed nationality teams, and several of the freshly crowned 2022 World Champions were among the athletes making a piece of history.
Each of the four legs involved a one-lap, 150m swim transitioning to a 4.5km bike and 1.2km run, the officials radioing the handovers from the run finish to pontoon to send the next team member into the water.
The mix of genders and classes made for non-stop action, the inevitable huge variation in transition times for those in handcycles versus bikes, prosthetics and visually impaired making the leads and gaps ebb and flow throughout the 70-minute race.
It may have been a showcase event, but there was no shortage of competitive fire from the athletes as Team Australia II took the tape from Team USA I, and it was bronze for Team USA II.
“To break the tape and take it home in the first race was a huge honour,” said Team Australia II’s Jeremy Peacock. It’s such a great opportunity for Para Triathlon, we’ve seen what it has done on the Olympic programme, so hopefully we can do the same for the Paralympic programme now. That was an epic first event, we’ll all have learned a lot today.”
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