【World Triathlon】TOs nomination for 2023 & 2024 Major Games
The Technical Officials certification list has been updated for 2023 following the approval of the World Triathlon Technical Committee. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Technical Officials for their commitment in 2022 by participating in World/Continental Triathlon events and education courses, as well as all our facilitators and colleagues for all their work behind the scenes to keep our technical officials’ development up and running.
Please find the lists on the relevant page of triathlon.org:
• World Triathlon Level 1 Technical Officials’ Certification List (NTO)
• World Triathlon Level 2 Technical Officials’ Certification List (CTO)
• World Triathlon Level 3 Technical Officials’ Certification List (ITO)
In the meantime we would like to inform you about the selection process for the following 2023 and 2024 Major Games. (Please note that separate selection processes are expected later this year for the 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games and the 2023 Pacific Games.)
World Triathlon, with the respective Continental Confederations, will apply specific selection criteria for the International Technical Officials to these events as an addition to the World Triathlon Technical Officials’ Appointment Rules. The specific selection criteria per event can be found below:
Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Location Paris, France
Date (triathlon) 30 July – 5 August
Number of ITOs 28
Reserves 4 (2 per gender)
Geographical restriction N/A
Age restriction N/A
Minimum eligibility criteria – Certified as World Triathlon Technical Official (level 2, 3a, 3b)
– Gender balance
– Technical Officials who participated in all three previous Games (London 2012, Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020), either the Olympic or Paralympic Games, will not be considered.
Nomination process – The NFs can nominate one Technical Official, up to three if one of them is of a different gender or up to four if two of them are of a different gender.
– Technical Officials must be available to be considered for either the Olympic or Paralympic Games, therefore nominations are to be submitted together with the Paralympic Games.
Arrival date 27 July
Departure date 7 August
Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
Location Paris, France
Date (triathlon) 1-2 September
Number of ITOs 27
Reserves 4 (2 per gender)
Geographical restriction N/A
Age restriction N/A
Minimum eligibility criteria – Certified as World Triathlon Technical Official (level 2, 3a, 3b)
– Gender balance
– Technical Officials who participated in all three previous Games (London 2012, Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020), either the Olympic or Paralympic Games, will not be considered.
Nomination process – The NFs can nominate one Technical Official, up to three if one of them is of a different gender or up to four if two of them are of a different gender.
– Technical Officials must be available to be considered for either the Olympic or Paralympic Games, therefore nominations are to be submitted together with the Olympic Games.
Arrival date 29 August
Departure date 4 September
Bali 2023 Beach Games
Location Bali, Indonesia
Date (triathlon) 6-7 August
Number of ITOs 8
Reserves 2 (1 per gender)
Geographical restriction Asia/Oceania
Age restriction N/A
Minimum eligibility criteria – Certified as World Triathlon Technical Official (level 1, 2, 3a, 3b)
– Gender balance
Nomination process – The NFs can nominate one Technical Official or two if the second is of a different gender
Arrival date 3 August
Departure date 8 August
All costs (travel, accommodation, per diem) will be covered by the Organizing Committees.
The upcoming phases of the process are outlined below:
Action item
15 February, 2023
World Triathlon communicates to the National Federations the 2023 Technical Officials Certification list following the annual Technical Officials’ certification.
15 February, 2023
World Triathlon opens the selection process for Technical Officials for the Games listed above.
26 February, 2023
The National Federations submit to World Triathlon a shortlist of nominated Technical Officials (as per requirements above). World Triathlon will consider opportunities for as many Technical Officials as possible across all the Major Games. A separate online application form must be submitted for each Major Games.
27 February – 3 March, 2023
The World Triathlon Technical Committee, with the respected Continental Technical Committees and the assigned Technical Delegates, will select the Technical Officials to officiate on the specific Major Games from the nominated Technical Officials according to the World Triathlon Technical Officials’ Appointment Rules.
In each case, reserves from each gender will be selected from the nominated Technical Officials according to the World Triathlon Technical Officials’ Appointment Rules.
6 – 17 March, 2023
The World Triathlon Executive Board, or the respective Continental Confederation Executive Boards, approve the Technical Officials to officiate on the specific Major Games based on the selection.
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