第33回オリンピック競技大会(2024/パリ)トライアスロン男子個人 延期発表
本日7月30日(火)日本時間12時にワールドトライアスロン(TRI)よりパリ2024オリンピック トライアスロン男子個人の延期が発表されました。
Following a meeting on water quality held on 30 July at 3.30am attended by Paris 2024, representatives of World Triathlon and their Technical and Medical Delegates, the International Olympic Committee, Météo France, the City of Paris and the Prefecture of the Île-de-France Region involved in carrying out water quality tests, decision has been made to postpone the men’s triathlon event which was due to be held on 30 July at 8am.
Considering the latest weather information, it has been decided to schedule the men’s triathlon event on 31 July at 10h45. The women’s triathlon is due to take place the same day at 8am. Both triathlons are subject to the forthcoming water tests complying with the established World Triathlon thresholds for swimming. The original contingency day also remains in place for August 2, for further considerations.
Paris 2024 and World Triathlon reiterate that their priority is the health of the athletes. The tests carried out in the Seine today revealed water quality levels that did not provide sufficient guarantees to allow the event to be held.
Unfortunately, meteorological events beyond our control, such as the rain which fell over Paris on 26 and 27 July, can alter water quality and compel us to reschedule the event for health reasons. Despite the improvement on the water quality levels in the last hours, the readings at some points of the swim course are still above the acceptable limits.
We will provide the athletes who are due to take part in the men’s triathlon event with all information on its postponement, as well as real-time updates on the situation. Information regarding tickets and broadcast of the events on Wednesday July 31 will be shared in the next hours.
There will be a meeting at 8am between World Triathlon and the coaches to provide further information and the updated schedule for July 31. Links to attend this meeting will be shared with the coaches directly shortly.
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