International Triathlon Union



「アクアスロン・アジア選手権(12/13)日本代表求む!」   031126



 7:00 マウンテンバイク・レース(24-30km)
 13:00 オープン・ウォータースイム(1500m)
 16:30 マウンテントレイル・ラン(7.2km) 

 7:00 アクアスロン・アジア選手権
 9:00 フリスビー・チャレンジ

2003 Speedo R Asian Aquathlon Championships
& 3rd Boracay Multi-Sport Festival
11-13 December 2003

Pearl of the Pacific Boracay
Boracay Island, Malay, Province of Aklan

Organized by:
The Triathlon Association (TRAP) of the Philippines and the Alternative
Events Group, Inc. (AEG) in cooperation with the Cyclone Mountain
Bike Club of Boracay, the Local Government of Malay, Aklan and the
Provincial Government of Aklan, Philippines

To increase awareness in the conservation and preservation of the Boracay
“Flying Fox” Giant Fruit Bat, an endangered species in the Philippines
and in Boracay.

The Main Event:
The 2nd and 2003 Speedo (R) Asian Aquathlon Championships & 1st
Philippine Aquathlon Championships
(7Km Trail Run – 1500m Swim – 3Km Beach Run)

-the trail run starts at the world famous Boracay Beach and reaches
a height of 3,000 ft. above sea level at Boracay’s highest peakm Mt.
Luho, and ends with a powdery sand beach run on what was voted
as the World’s Best Beach!!

Saturday, 13 December 2003, 7am
Pearl of the Pacific Boracay Beachfront
1. Top 3 Male and Female Finishers – Medals/Prizes in Kind
A. Elite Open
B. Under 23 – Junior Elite
C. Philippine National Championship

2. Age Group Categories – Medals/Prizes in Kind
A. Men’s Division
1) 19 yrs & below
2) 20-29 Years
3) 30-39 Years
4) 40 & Above

B. Women’s Division
1) 19 & below
2) 20 & Above

2 The Side Events:
To add more fun and excitement to your Trip to Boracay, the
Following Side Events will be organized for you to participate
and compete in and have FUN:

Friday, 12 December 2003

7am: Fuji Film Mountain Bike Race
24-30Km Mt. Bike Race
Route – Through Boracay’s Main Road, up and down Boracay’s
highest peak, the Mt. Luho Trail (3,000 ft. above sea level)

1pm: Speedo R Open Water Swim
1,500m Open Water Swim Race on Boracay’s famous Long Beach
clear waters

430pm: Nike R Mountain Trail Run
7.2km Run starting on the beach rising up to 3,000 ft. above sea
level on Mt. Luho’s trail and finishing back on Boracay’s Long Beach

Saturday, 13 December 2003
9am: Nike R Ultimate Frisbee Challenge
Join the hottest sport in the country now by participating in Nike R’s
“Hat Tournament,” walk-on and be part of the teams competing
on the powdery sand of Boracay!!

Entry Fees:
Early Registration – before 09 Dec 2003
Foreign Entries: US$50.00
Local Entries: PhP350.00

Late Registration – after 10 Dec 2003
Foreign Entries: US$60.00
Local Entries: PhP450.00 # # # # #

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