トライアスロンを愛するファミリーの皆様へ「トライアスロン大会・事業の開催に関して」(2020.3.11)/Dear Triathlon-loving Family, Organization of Triathlon events and the relevant events
会長 岩城光英
*トライアスロンを愛するファミリーの皆様へ(2020.3.2)/Dear Triathlon-loving Family
To: Triathlon-loving Family
Re: Organization of Triathlon events and the relevant events
11th March 2020
Dear our valued stakeholders,
I would express my heart-felt appreciation to you for your earnest efforts for the development and promotion of the sports of Triathlon, Paratriathlon and the related sports in Japan.
With regard to the organization of Triathlon/Paratriathlon events, other related events and seminars, due to the extensive outbreak of the Corona Virus we have requested you to refrain from holding such events until the target date of 15th March to comply with the statement issued by the national government of Japan.
Under this circumstances, however, another governmental statement was issued yesterday evening on 10th March to request the Japanese population to refrain from organizing mass gathering events for another 10 days.
Given the above statement, today, 11th March, Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) decided the followings based on the meeting on emergency control (7th March) as well as discussions with Medical Committee for event-preparations.
For the events scheduled in April to be organized, co-organized, sponsored and/or supported by JTU or our member federation, we are committed:
*to deliberate on things that need to be changed and mind if the event is organized as
*to study possible alternative dates and the situation of the venue, if the event needs to be
postponed; and
*to inspect and validate the financial and technical measures, taking the fact that has already happened into consideration such as the refund of the entry fee, when the event is cancelled or the like.
The above will be conducted after taking carefully into account the varied organizational environment of each host city and venue facilities, while having thorough, in-depth discussions with the organizer/local authority respectively.
From today (11th March) and onwards, after going through individual meeting with the event organizers, we will decide on a measure for each event, competition and business respectively to announce it on the official website and so forth in a timely manner. As for inquiries from athletes and members, the direct contact for them will be the respective organizing committee of the event. Those who have reserved an official event tour are requested to consult with the designated travel agency.
We consider it is important for us as the sport federation to behave and keep the guideline according to the instructions of the national government of Japan, in concerted manner with the Japan Sports Agency, the Japanese Olympic Committee, the Japanese Paralympic Committee and the Japan Sport Association, in order to prevent further epidemic of COVID-19 at home and abroad.
For us all, the host local authorities, volunteers, athletes, members, member federations, partners and sponsor corporations, it could be a tough and long road to cope with, we sincerely request for your kind understanding toward what we have decided by prioritizing the safety of the whole population of Japan and thus patience is required at this time.
I would like to note that our Olympic national team athletes are doing their best at overseas training camps (some are in Japan) in training and participating in the events, despite the challenges of the postponement and cancellation of events.
Our athletes of Paratriathlon national team are also training hard at the bases in Japan targeting at their forthcoming events.
We put the primary importance on the health and safety of the athletes and staff members when we plan for the activities of both the national teams. While aiming at the accomplishment of our goals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we will carefully continue building strategies by sharing the information with the International Triathlon Union (ITU).
We highly appreciate your continued kind understanding and cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Mitsuhide Iwaki
President, Japan Triathlon Union
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